Herbert Albert Hubbard (1875-1947)
For much of his young life, Herbert Hubbard was raised by J. Hervey Stout and his sister Sarah after Herbert's mother (the Stout family housekeeper) passed away when he was four. Herbert married Sarah Matilda Hoagland and raised their children on the Sourland Mountain where he worked most of his adult life for the Pembleton family on a 70-acre dairy farm in Hopewell, New Jersey.
A brilliant penman, Herbert was, in 1894, the first Black graduate from Rider University, then known as Trenton Business College. Prior to farming, he used his exquisite penmanship to draft documents for his employers. Eventually he grew tired of working out of sight in back rooms where he asked to sit in order not to offend white clients. Herbert Hubbard was a man of many talents; he was a self-taught musician who made his own violins.

2014 Interview with Stanley Stewart II, grandson of Herbert Hubbard, Narrated by Stanley Stewart II